Have You Thought of Foundational Things that You would Want to Give Your Children?

Ganesh Kuduva
5 min readMar 25, 2022

This article would throw light on this topic and enable you to think of foundation that you can build for your children as a parent.

If you asked many in the age bracket of 45 and above, without a doubt, 40% (even many research confirms that if you google) might say they have regrets in life. They might say that they had done few things differently or they have had a mentor.

Regrets are many starting from spending quality time with family and friends to missing good health, a career, wealth of financial knowledge, better hobbies, and the list can go on.

This article intends to throw light into how you could do few things that can set a stage for your children so that they do well in their lives. That doesn’t mean you enforce or influence your thought process on them. It is all about being a good mentor, coach, and guide for them. And most importantly, being an inspiration.

So, if the question is overwhelming on what all you should leave your children with or where you can invest most for them, here are those critical few.

Importance of health

One of the fundamental qualities that any human need is good health, and if that’s guaranteed life-long, a large portion of a happy quotient for life is well-addressed. So, it is imminent that your children learn the habit of keeping themselves fitter and healthier. They need not go to the gym at an early age. They could start with a sport through school or academies nearby. Nothing like it if they can develop habits that give them better health and fitness.

It’s about the attitude, energy, courage, and motivation that they would develop as well. It would lay a solid foundation for good spiritual health as well. People who get access to their spiritual being early in their lives become very clear about life goals, dealing with priorities, and making the right decisions.

Being a ferocious reader

If you look or observe people around you closely, undoubtedly, many of the individuals who are doing very well in their lives and have clear thinking skills would be the people who are most read. Reading consistently for decades enriches a person with getting more perspectives, understanding how the world works, more inspiration, more self-help, and much more.

Children would learn more thinking patterns through the characters they read, be it novels or history books. If they find it hard to read themselves, you could be a reader for them. It also helps to be a good parent who spends time with them to develop their reading habit.

Importance of learning finance early

Finance is one of the essential skills missing in many countries, many cultures when it comes to teaching children how finance works. You may ask why financial knowledge is critical and why should our children learn about finance. Our lives mostly hover around figuring financial freedom, and in many cases, people are struggling with their retirement lives even.

I am not talking about making only billions or crores of money, but how your children as an individual can work to resolve the puzzle of finance for their lives. Once they figure out that, they have the opportunity to take steps to solve them early in their lives, and then what? They can go in the direction of what they want to do with their lives, with better purposes to live.

It could be starting a charity, becoming a writer, build a business, building products & services, becoming a billionaire, and many more.

Help them develop hobbies

Hobbies are a valuable part of human lives. Most people see it only as a thing to do in their leisure time, mostly for entertainment purposes. My view is that hobbies can come a long way in revealing our true potentials.

For example, I started running to be fit and healthy, and it is still mostly a hobby for me. But as I ran for 10+ years, I developed skills about running that I could teach others. I became a certified running coach, and coaching aspiring runners to become holistic runners is a thing that I do as a side-hustle, which earns me a decent income. And undoubtedly, it brings a great sense of fulfillment.

The point is, help your children develop hobbies which can turn into either profession or a skill that they can use as they would like to in their lives.

My son plays cricket at an academy on the weekends. It’s a regular activity where I see, he is not only learning cricket as a sport, but meeting a good set of friends, and developing good health.


I agree that eventually, everyone has at least a few regrets in their lives despite all possible things that they did. But the point is, did we work on those few critical things that could have had the most impact on our lives positively?

I also have my few things. They are no regrets because I have already started working on most of them. Things like financial wisdom, being a ferocious reader from early life, developing other non-job related skills, and playing sports, to name a few. Age doesn’t matter if we have the courage and will to start working on them at any time. I started on most of them as I continued in my career by taking inspiration from great people around me. Most happened through self-learning.

As parents, we don’t have to or need to decide things for our children. We can enable them to be better decision-makers for their own lives by providing them with foundational skills and deep care.

You have better chances of passing on the above foundation to your children if you could be a role-model for them.

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Happy Parenting!

Originally published at https://vocal.media.



Ganesh Kuduva

Founder — Runner Forever. Health & Wellness Coach. Internationally Published Best-Selling Author. www.runner-forever.com. https://www.runner-forever.com/books